Our Commitment

The value of certification is based on the degree of confidence and trust that is established by an impartial, consistent and competent demonstration of fulfillment of specified requirements by a certification body. Being impartial, and being perceived to be impartial, is therefore essential for Control Union Certifications B.V. to inspire this confidence and trust in our stakeholders and key to our success. To obtain and maintain confidence, it is essential that Control Union Certification's decisions be based on objective evidence of conformity (or nonconformity), and that our decisions are not influenced by other interests or by other parties.


Based on this principle and our Code of Conduct, we strive to ensure that the highest standards of integrity, objectivity and professional behavior are applied to all our assessment activities. Control Union Certifications B.V. applies risk assessments regarding impartiality and potential conflicts of interest on our offices, employees and clients.

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