News & Events


Webinar: Bio-Außer-Haus-Verpflegung-Verordnung

Die neue AHV-Verordnung ist in Kraft und wird in der Kontrollsaison 2024 umgesetzt. In unserem Live-Webinar möchten wir Ihnen die neue Außer-Haus-Verpflegungsverordnung vorstellen und mit Ihnen besprechen, was das für Sie und Ihren Betrieb konkret bedeutet.



We are in the midst of a global plastics crisis. Plastic production is set to increase four-fold by 2050 and less than 9% of plastics currently recycled. Given the gravity of this crisis, businesses can no longer assume that unsubstantiated claims, pledges, or pacts around their use of plastic will be enough to secure the public’s trust. Now more than ever they need to prove the ways they are recycling, cutting the use of plastic and adopting alternative, compostable, materials through a robust certification process.

Webinar: Greenhouse Gas Accounting & Verification on Organization & Project Level

CO2-Emissions and the reduction of them are more and more a topic for many companies. This webinar is about the basics of “Carbon Footprint”, “Carbon Neutrality” and “Balancing and verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions”. This training is for our German clients and those who are interested in a collaboration with Control Union. Within this 2 hours webinar, we will basically deal with the requirements of the ISO 14064.
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