Complaints and Appeals

Although CUCG is obliged to do its outmost to provide its Clients with correct services, it may happen that one or more of the service aspects are not to the client’s  satisfaction . In those cases the client may decide to file a complaint or appeal against CUCG.

An appeal is a formal notification of disagreement of a (certification or verification/validation) decision within a certification/verification/validation  process, or request by the provider of the object of conformity assessment to CUCG for reconsideration of a decision it has made relating to that object.

A complaint is a formal expression of dissatisfaction, other than appeal, by any person or organization regarding  a CUCG employee´s behaviour  CUCG methodology, or work executed under contractual responsibility of CUCG by a critical office, affiliate or subcontractor.

By completing the Annex A07 it is possible to make a complaint or appeal known to us.

Clients wishing to submit a complaint or appeal are requested to specify the nature of the complaint or appeal as detailed as possible ("who, what, where, when"), to  describe the subject matter clearly and to provide any objective evidence to support each element or aspect of the complaint or appeal,, if applicable.

In order to avoid misinterpretation and the appearance of self-favouritism from the side of CUCG complaints and appeals must be submitted in writing. Only complaints or appeals in German or English will be accepted.

Complaints and appeals must be received by CUCG within 6 (six) weeks after the (certification/verification/validation) decision was issued or the event that gave rise to the complaint or appeal and must be submitted to the office of CUCG in Germany.

If the client fails to do so, or if the complaint or appeal is insufficiently substantiated or incomplete CUCG may reject the complaint or appeal and will not assume responsibility for such a complaint or appeal.  CUCG will inform the complainant or appellant of the same in writing.

CUCG will decide upon the admissibility of the complaint or appeal. CUCG will appoint an employee(s) to investigate the complaint or appeal. All personnel engaged in the complaint or appeals handling process, including those in review, approval and decision-making, must be different from those who carried out the audit or assessment and made the certification or verification/validation decision. Any member of staff, including those acting in a managerial capacity, who have provided consultancy for the client in question, or have been employed by that client, within two years prior to submission of the complaint or appeal, shall not be involved in the review or approval of the resolution of the complaint or appeal for that client.

The appointed employee(s) will gather and verify all necessary information (as far as possible), including a root cause analysis, and propose how to proceed, including corrections and corrective actions where applicable. CUCG will endeavour to seek a timely resolution of the complaint and will take any subsequent action needed to resolve the complaint or appeal.

CUCG will give the complainant or appellant formal notice of the outcome and the end of the complaints or appeals handling process and the motivation of the decision in writing within 3 (three) months after receipt of the complaint or appeal. CUCG will record the complaint or appeal, its outcome and any action undertaken to resolve it, including any established correction and corrective action.

CUCG safeguards the confidentiality of the complainant or appellant and subject of the complaint or appeal during the complaint or appeal handling.

Submission, investigation and decision on complaints or appeals may under no circumstances result in discriminatory actions against the complainant or appellant.