GRI - Global Reporting Initiative

A sustainability report, or corporate social responsibility report, gives information about social, environmental, economic and governance performance. It presents the organisation’s values, governance model and demonstrates the link between its strategy and commitment to a sustainable global economy. It is a link between people, planet, profit and your organisation.

Companies issuing a sustainability report need to demonstrate the authenticity of the published data. There are also potential issues related to various social and environmental aspects. To minimise these and to ensure the accuracy of the information it is important to obtain third party assurances for the report. These ensure the credibility, completeness and accuracy of the document. Control Union Certifications can help companies by:

  • Performing a sustainability strategy check.
  • Undertaking a gap analysis in accordance with GRI guidelines.
  • Third party assurance of sustainability reports in accordance with the AA1000AS standard.
  • Providing website assurance.

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