SURE Verification Scheme

The verification scheme SURE (SUstainable REsources Verification Scheme) was developed for the supply chains of solid and gaseous biofuels according to the requirements of EU Renewable Energy Directive recast (RED II).

RED II is the succeeding EU directive of RED I, 2009/28/EC, which lays down regulations for the sustainable and climate-friendly production of biofuels and bioliquids. After the implementation of this directive, extensive supply chains of producers, processors and consumers have been established and networked around the world. The certified supply chains exist between market participants whose compliance with the RED requirements is assessed and certified according to approved RED standards, such as REDcert or ISCC.

The RED II, Directive (EU) 2018/2001, provides not only modified and more precise regulations on the applicable fuel supply chains of RED I, but also includes regulations on certification of solid and gaseous bioenergy supply chains.

SURE is fully developed to accommodate these additional supply chains of solid or gaseous biofuels according to RED II requirements. SURE certified companies can demonstrate their compliance with the RED II requirements in the relevant application area.

The SURE system applies to the following products: 

  • agricultural raw materials and agricultural waste and residues
  • forestry production and forestry waste and residues
  • biogenic waste and residues

This includes, for example, producers or sources of

  • energy crops, straw, manure
  • crop residues, sawdust, woodchips, wood pellets, wood briquettes


and applies to companies with activities in  

  • process or trade the biomass, or
  • trade the fuels, or
  • use the fuels for the generation of electricity / heating / cooling, or
  • trade electricity / heating / cooling

The compliance of supply chains to RED II requirements can thus be actively shaped by, for example, agricultural enterprises, forestry enterprises, waste recyclers, waste processors, biogas plants, combined heat and power plants, biomethane plants, biomass power plants, power plants with biogenic substitute fuels, producers of wood pellets / straw pellets / wood briquettes / straw briquettes, charring plants, gasification plants, synthesis gas plants, electricity grid operators, gas grid operators, heat grid operators, electricity traders, heat traders, gas traders, etc.

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